Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Fighting my fear of the carb and calorie monsters Part 1

Carbs and calories can and should be our friends....

Like many people these days I have always been afraid of the big bad scary words Calories and Carbohydrates... I have done everything I can to limit my intake to both... Even with my background in health and fitness, knowing that our bodies need the right amount of both to run proper. I still was consuming a dangerously low level of calories and carbs. I was doing a lot more damage to my body and metabolism then I was doing good. I was harming my self in the pursuit of number on the scale, not taking into account the fact that I was losing muscle which in turn effected my performance and energy greatly!!!!

 Over my journey of getting fit and healthy the right way, I've learned so much. One of the many things I've learned is that goals need to be reevaluated constantly. They always need tweaking and adjusting as life changes. Before I had my calorie goals low in order to drop weight, over time it has started causing more harm then good. So I've had to step back and change how I was planning my meals and how many calories and carbs I was consuming regularly. I realized I was dangerously low and since have slowly raised my carbs and calorie intake over the last few weeks and have notice a rise in my energy among many other things!!! 

I have been stalled out when it comes to cutting and leaning out and muscle gains and performance. Since raising my crabs and calorie I've started leaning out again and my performance and started to improve. I have also noticed that with the low calories and carbs I was losing muscle strength and mass along with that I was losing stamina and energy quickly. Since adjusting my macros and calories I've noticed a major change in my over all stamina and muscle function, strength and over all energy. I knew what I was doing wasn't helping me I knew it was wrong, but I was still scared to increase my carbs and calories due to the fear of gaining unwanted weight (I know that was a stupid way of thinking but like many I couldn't help my old way of thinking) but it took the voices of my best friends and coaches to snap me back to reality... and I am so thankful!!!! Over the next few months I will slowly add more healthy carbs and calories into my daily macros. I will share my results, which I know will be all for the best!! So thank you to every one for the support and encouragement.  

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Starting something new... its always an adventure....

Starting a blog is something that has been on my to-do list for a few years now.. so here I sit.. at work... doing not work. But I'm starting something that has been on my mind for a long time.. not really sure were this will go or even what my direction will be here. The hardest part about any goal or dream is getting started, so lets get this started. 

There are a lot of topics that I want to cover on here. I have found that the older I get the more I discover that there are many things I want to get into. From modeling and model coaching, baking from standard to specialty (paleo, dairy free, vegan, etc.) for all occasions. To my life long love of tattooing that has taken a sad back seat to life and is in serious need to get back into it. Along with my going on 6 year journey to getting healthy has lead me to my love of fitness and cross-fit. Which has opened that door to getting my personal trainer certification. Being able to help other with their journey to finding a happier healthier them has become a major driving factor for me. Along this road I have discovered that I want to obtain more certs, for nutrition and certified cross-fit coaching. With work, family, kids, my personal fitness and health journey there is very little free time, but its not about having the time its about making time for the goals that matter most.